A nation unknowing of itself is no longer a nation. It is a people waiting to be conquered. And that is what Britain has become. Our biggest threat is from within. From within the British populace, who have swallowed whole, the marxist wokeism, and now from their minds we are suffering the consequences. Infiltration has happened throughout all our essential services, from health to social care to even armed forces now, and to other public institutions like politics, local governments, universities, museums, media and so on. The agenda is truly being driven by them and the vast majority has eaten it up.
I would like the silent majority to wake up, but at the same time I feel that the silent majority is silent for a reason. Because it is unaware what to wake up to and what to wake up for. It remains to be seen what hope is really out there, for Britain and the rest of the Western sphere. But still, we must keep hope, as little as it may seem to be.
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The way out of it is via cultural movement. And a concentrated effort being put into it. And a concentrated contribution being put towards it by those who love this country. Contribution by your time, effort, participation, activation and money. A beacon of hope. By the people, for the people. If only 5/10% of the British population rose up in support of such a movement, we will be able to turn this around.
This movement will involve a new media institution, decimation of good education; about Britain, her history and relation with the rest of the world, repackaging of culture and values more true of traditions etc. And it will involve public outreach programs, and charities to help the Brits who have been left behind by the government. Think tank and policy lobbying group. Documentaries and investigative expose. And even good entertainment; including daytime programs, dramas, comedy sketches and much much more.
An institution that provides both awareness against the dangers we face, but mainly promotes the British culture and values, and uplifts people. Remind the people of who they are and show them what they are fighting for. This is what is needed. And when the time comes, for something like it to be put into action, will people support it? Will people support this call for hope? That is what remains to be seen.