A Few Words on Moderate Muslims
Don't ask me to be gentle on "moderate muslims", and I certainly won't be replying to or entertaining any private messages from them as well regarding this subject.
The fact of the matter is that when your Islamist and Jihadi buddies come for the likes of me, Jews, Hindus and other polytheists, Christians and so forth, you do not raise your voice or act against them.
So don't expect me to accommodate for your cowardice. And your unwillingness to see the evil and treacherous nature of the ideology you uphold as divine. And no, I am not talking about lone voices here or there, that stand up in opposition of the extremists. I mean the majority of the people - who don't. They watch and they let it happen. Because they are either cowards, or want the extremists to exact their machinations, or are corrupted by the marxist woke nonsense enough to form a mental alliance.
And also, for all those out there, who say “oh but I have a Muslim friend and he/she is a really good person”. Yes, I know. There are many good hearted Muslims out there, but its not because they are Muslims, its despite it. And they have to go against a lot of Islamic Edicts to be moderate in their views and nature. And if you are a moderate, there is absolutely no guarantee that your kids or their kids will be moderate as well. All that needs to happen is for them to have an identity crisis of some sort, and so read up about their religion properly and follow it as it meant to be. That is all it takes.
Whatever the reason might be - you are no friends of the West. You are just enablers to the evils that want to destroy the West. You are the unwitting Trojan horses. You cannot reform the religion because they will call you Munafiqs for it and cut you down. And you cannot reform what is rotten to its core. Bad coding gives bad outcomes, no matter how you dress it up. And when you say well that is not my Islam, what you actually mean is that you have no idea what Islam is all about. So, your ignorance is also, not my responsibility.
Repent, and change your ways. That is all I have to say to you.