If people don't want race wars to happen then they must be honest in their own personal failing and admit responsibilities. Only then we can move forward. I see a lot of British Pakistanis chirping online today. Of how unsafe they feel. You are using the same Palestinian tactic. First act the aggressor then play the victim. Out of the Islamist playbook - Islamophobia you shout while your numbers shout Allah hu Akbar on the streets.
You want to create better relations? Then finally start speaking out loud against the Pakistani rape gangs. Start speaking out against the illegal migrants from Pakistan that you hide amongst you. Speak against the dodgy solicitors who help them. Against the hate speech in mosques. Against cousin marriages. And against anti-British hatred in your communities.
Don't try to act innocent now. You have provoked this by not addressing the issues. Why do the Pakistanis in America don't face the same issues to the same higher extent in their communities there? Because mostly educated Pakistanis went to America. While we got the uncultured and uneducated class imported here from the many villages of Punjab and Kashmir.
Don't blame me as well, for ruining your “image”. You have done this to yourself. This is your mess, your cultural failings. But obviously you will cry and you will get your way. Because you have learned how to use the political left in Britain. And your problems will remain the same. I have no respect for you. I wasn't born in your country and I rather be referred to as ethnically of Indian origin than of Pakistan. Your ancestors invaded their lands anyway. You have an invasion mentality. Never wanting to integrate and assimilate. Net negative contributors to the world.
Not all not all. Of course not all. But it will remain all unless you find the correctives and apply them within. And speak against the failing rather than being overly defensive. People of such mentality have rendered Pakistan a failed state. And they will do the same to which place they go.
I have spent many months watching developments in our society
I have also attended the two Patriotic Rallies in London, the protest 'Battle of Downing Street" and a protest in Plymouth. The rallies were models of good humour and behaviour and all inclusive regardless of colour of skin. I am so proud that my countrymen set the example of how a mass of British folk can truly behave.
I am now however going to play God and identify the core ills that has brought Britain into an actual state of civil war.
1.Islam and it's practices and practitioners which are completely incompatible to a liberal civilised democratic society.
2. The behaviour of British Pakistanis who intimidate by irrational and violent conduct or feign victimhood and who hold themselves above British law
3. The clear prevalence of knife crime and atrocious murder committed on our streets by 'persons of colour'.
4. The threat to women and children posed by migrants males.
These combined factors cannot be controlled by liberal society and cannot be controlled by the tradition of policing by consent.
The only action the Government is taking is to imprison those who resist.