Atheists might not like what I have to say
If what MailOnline has reported is true about the terrorist, then it just goes to prove another of my point. The thing that many moderate muslims and ex-muslims don't like me saying.
I see this trend a lot within the arab ex-muslims and their activities. Aggressive and militant in their mentality. They want to do extreme things against those who disagree with them. Years upon years of indoctrination. They have not taken the time to de-toxify their minds. On top of that they build a thick layer of resentment and hate, and it keeps building. You might be out of Islam but Islam is not out of you.
At this stage who even knows his motives, it is all speculation. But working with what we have. This is why I say people still need a moral code. They need some guiding principles. If he would have converted to Christianity, this would not have happened. At this point many Western atheist would say "but we left our religion, that didn't turn us extreme", "it is all religions - the fault is all religions". The problem is that you have the benefit of being from Western traditions, with your liberal upbringing, which does not exist outside of your borders. Just because you oppose the same things doesn't mean you are the same. Not all cultures are the same and not all people think and act alike.
This is THE main reason why I keep banging on about why it is not enough for people in the arab world to just leave Islam, it is important for them to become Christian. I was derided and made fun of within some atheist circles for suggesting these things. But you just don't understand. This would not have happened if he would have accepted Christ. I can guarantee that much to you. If he truly accepted and understood His message and teachings. I see many others, burning Qurans and being overly aggressive. Wanting us to fight their fights for them. With a lot of resentment and hate building up. Once again, the West becomes a battleground for foreign interests and foreign conflicts. There has to be an end point to all this mess, and the longer we leave it, the messier it will become.
A prayer for all those who lost their lives and all those injured. The little children you never got to see Christmas. The people whose joy was snatched from them. I pray that you all start listening now. We have a very serious and complicated problem - and it won't be solved by mere populist rhetoric or avoidance rhetoric. Please start listening.
This is also the reason why I neither define myself as an “ex-muslim” and put it on my profile nor do I like people pigeonholing me as such. I left it - I don’t carry it with me. I am indifferent to it completely. And I am only speaking now about it to warn you of it. As I have said many times, I am in the business of saving souls, and I see many souls that need saving.
Although it could most likely be a plant for a while. A story to subvert the influence of AfD. At this point no one knows, I am talking beyond that point. Many confusing stories now will come up. They will deliberately keep that way perhaps till after the elections in Germany.
Also important to note:
There is a reason why I have been telling you all for a long time now to guard yourselves against the ills of resentment. The political left is filled with it. The atheist groups have a lot of these left leaning people - heck the majority of them are left leaning. When you mix in people of a different culture and they feed off that resentment - they act more to their cultural mindset than yours. No matter the political spectrum - resentments and unresolved resentments mainly - will lead to the worst of outcomes.
Just some of the screenshots sent to me by a follower. Anti West. This is what the political left is feeding. Considering he was a therapist and "helping other exMuslims", wonder how much of his disease he has spread to others.
Another interesting perspective: