Your strong family units were broken by an overindulgent welfare system
Your education was broken by an overfocus on results/test scores in order to get a job in the service industry
Your ingenuity & innovation was broken by outsourcing manufacturing and focusing too much on service industry - becoming the middlemen
(Middlemen by nature have a weak mentality, they neither control the production or the market of what they peddle)
Your curiosity was diminished by replacing your reading habits with low calibre entertainment
Your high trust in community was broken by mass immigration from diametrically opposed cultures
Your freedoms were replaced by your dependency on the state to provide for you because of the above reasons
Your culture and values were diluted because you lost track of your traditions and did not hold fast to the thread of your existence
That thread was Christianity, and you can thank the "intellectual" class for derailing you from it. The enlightenment of atheists that rendered you all hollow and onto the path of materialistic ambiguity
Your daughters, sisters, and wives are in danger because you were too busy believing the lies of the media while your elites let your enemies in - through their short minded incompetence or malevolence. It matters little
If you want your country back simply shouting it doesn't work. Breaking and destroying your own country, fighting against your own, whether they are misguided or not, does not work in the end. The answer is not just in politics. Because even if you elect those you want, you wouldn't know what you actually want from them. And this whole thing will crumble again.
This is why I say, the answer is in culture. Fix that, and from it will come all solutions, political or otherwise. Many of the things listed above, you let them be done to you because you were looking for convenience. The path of least resistance. You have the power to change those things in you, and give birth to the phoenix. You may not like me saying it, but you know this to be true. In your heart of hearts. You know it.
Change begins from within, that is the only way it is long lasting or even permanent. You are better than your current self, it is time to prove that claim.
I'm saving this one ...
Thanks Momus