I don't think so it is a good idea for everyone to express an opinion about everything, especially if they don't have context and knowledge around it.
It feels like a weird thing to say for someone who is striving to be somewhat of a social commentator and someone who has been saying a lot about a lot of things, I admit. But it just so happens that a number of things have been going on lately that I happen to know a thing or two about. Always happy to learn and correct myself though when a valid counter point is presented or an unknown to me before knowledge is provided.
So what do we do then, should we never express ourselves. Should we not have thoughts. No. I don't think that is correct as well. Saying it like that as well, always felt to me like I can have an opinion but you can't, peasant. Now go back to your farm. I don't like it. You are free to say and express yourself as you please.
However, I think the best approach is to not have unshakeable strong opinions about things you have no to low idea about but even for things you have some to a lot of idea about. Being humble, adaptable and open to learn and admit mistakes where required. That I think is a better approach.
So that usual saying about not everyone should have an opinion about everything is in a way true, but given the platforms and opportunities for outlet of thoughts we have now created with social media maybe it should be more like do not have strong opinions about everything that you cannot change or walk out of. Doesn't have quite the ring but you know what I mean.
Do not make proclamations without contextual comprehension. Maybe that makes more sense in regards to what I am trying to say. Anyway have a think about it.
Well said Mo, but you have missed one important aspect.
It is now apparently an offence to be white native English in Great Britain.
This offence is further compounded if you are additionally, working class, do not have a University degree, Christian, Heterosexual or male.
It may be committed in both public and private places and on line.
Fortunately the offence only becomes arrestable ,and subject to court action, if such a person makes comments that the State deemed to be adverse, critical or ridiculing the following :
Mass Immigration both 'legal' and illegal
Demographic replacement
The ideology of Islam or it's adherents
Crimes committed by immigrants or immigrant descended people.
Policing - including abusing them for not doing their job or shouting at police dogs.
The Judiciary
The Government or it's dictates.
This list is representative not exhaustive and subject to change without notice.
Additionally there is an offence if such a person peacefully attends an assembly of people in a public place in furtherance, of promoting or expressing opposition to the State Narrative. Merely being present is sufficient.
These offences are punishable by immediate imprisonment of not less than eight months and not exceeding 10 years.
So it is best to follow the simple advice of Thumper's mother in Bambi :
So no more facebook, twitter or youtube comments for me.
No protests or rallies.
I love Big Brother. I will save my anger for the State permitted weekly Hate.
All I ask now is a that Reservation be created where native English folk can live out the rest their lives in peace, which will be theirs "as long as the grass grows and rivers flow"