I was asked to come on Peter Cardwell Talk Radio segment for a 10 minute slot to talk about Sharia Law and Courts in UK. One thing I didn't stress upon enough which I should have done a bit more, is that this is a numbers problem as well.
The reason why we don't issues with other religious courts or traditional community activities is because they are too less in numbers to either make a fuss or be noticeable. Doesn't mean wrong things don't go over there as well. But the main issue is the principle of it all. There should be no parallel justice system that is any way shape or form, recognised as being a thing. Whether in law or in community. This should not be happening.
For those people in the West who want to pretend that there is any legitimate concept of figurative verses in Quran which are precise edicts.
You cannot think of Islam as of Christianity or any other religion. Because it is not comparable in its mentality. You want to do it, and want to believe in the concept of peaceful muslims, because you want to be comfortable.
Well, reality is not comfortable.
There are no "good muslims" who want to co-exist with you peacefully. There are bad muslims who don't follow Islam properly because they are good people. It is key to understand this point.
Allah does not like Munafiqs, the hypocrites, who say they follow but do not really follow. He does not like them to the point where he will never forgive them, and they will forever burn in hellfire.
In addition to this point. People who say 'oh but look like UAE' blah blah blah. The reason why these countries are able to quell 'extremist to us' behaviour is by extreme authoritarianism. When your soul is utterly and fully corrupted by the ills of Islam, you no longer respond appropriately, to moral and social guilt and responsibility incentives. To do the right thing. You need to be disciplined through a cane.
So, what are we suggesting then? That we turn our Western societies into strict authoritarian societies with no concept of individual liberties so that we can accommodate such people in our societies without extremist outcomes? It would be easier to remove the "third world element" all together, and only have those who are not maligned by the third world mentality out of that group - if and when needed.
The Western Liberal mind has become extremely childish. It wants something without understanding or accepting the consequences. It advocates for things because they are comfortable, because it makes them comfortable. 'Oh I don't want death penalty - but I want to deter extreme crimes - so everyone will just have to suffer till the extreme elements stop being extreme somehow because it makes me comfortable' - is one of those instances where this happens.
And this mentality is rife in the whole centre right these days as well. That is why they started it and keep up with different versions of it "Islam is a religion of peace" campaign. They just do not have the stomach to face reality. They do not understand that there is no real meaning liberalism outside the borders of the West. There is no natural tradition of it. From where such people come from into the West. They do not understand all or any of its precepts. They do not think like you and you do not think like them.
We must realise these things and course correct. Before it is too late.