Free Market Liberalism & Materialism is destroying our sense of being
Something the free market liberals completely captured by materialism don't understand:
1. There is not a tradition of liberal thought outside of the Western sphere nor a complete endorsement of it even currently.
2. People coming from those places will not just adopt your values if you give them free money and housing.
3. Expecting integration from people specifically of a religion who are inherently against everything you stand for and mean to conquer you is not just a myth but a dangerous one. Thinking you can tame their wildness is even more dangerous.
4. Assimilation is a dream to make you more comfortable than what reality would dictate. Many immigrant groups that are now coming in remain within their parallel communities or even when they integrate they remain within their ethnic groups. They have no incentive to assimilate especially when their ethnicity gives them more currency than the native population.
5. Britain and Europe are not America. And what America is finding out is that the immigration that made them great culturally was from the European continent and Western aligned or endorsing groups of people - not from non Western parts of the World. This is something that people like Elon Musk need to understand quickly before repeating the mistakes of the past.
6. The reason why assimilation was possible in Britain in the past was because it was never at such unprecedented numbers and the host culture was not only understood but its preferential priority enforced and maintained. Now it's a choice for people like myself coming into the country to demand and fight for the culture, values, and traditions of these lands while being pilloried for it by people like yourselves and extreme lefties who are supposed to be natives of these lands and also by immigrant groups whose grift it disrupts.
7. The natives are tired of containment tactics. And the more you push them the violent the fightback will become eventually. And everyone will be trapped in the middle of it and all shall suffer the consequences of your folly. You think you are saving people like me from racism but you are actually paving a path to hell for everyone.
8. When you make materialism with unfettered liberalism as your guiding principles you eventually have no legs to stand on to protect your culture and society. Because ideologically you end up with having none. You have to bow down to different degrees to the myth of 'all being equal' and hence 'equally incentivised and fungible' if given the same conditions. That may be true on exceptional individual levels but not on wider ethnic and cultural groups.
9. We are not untethered individuals floating around in the vast expanse of lands, we are very much informed by our collectivism. Relations with each other and how those relations are maintained. And of course this sense has been highlighted by fascism, communism, nationalism, religions and so on. Because there is a deep truth within it that all ideologies have to tap into if they want to hold the imagination of people whether the outcomes are good or bad. The important point is that our sense of collectivism doesn't trample on individual rights and not that because nefarious ideologies have manipulated collectivism so it means it's bad.
10. Stop being so emotionally attached to your ideas. Seek something beyond yourself and your immediate desires.