In this episode, I discuss the killing of Salwan Momika by the hands of Islamists while he was livestreaming, the whole topic around Quran Burning and the recent arrest of a Jewish man in Manchester for burning Quran, and the new definition of Islamophobia being imposed on us by the current Labour government in Britain.
As far as I know, Salwan Momika was a Christian whose whole family was murdered by ISIS in Iraq just for the crime of being Christians. He came to Europe to seek asylum. I don’t really know how many countries he went through and how he was the only one from his family to escape the fate or any proper confirmation of his backstory. But that is the gist of it. He was in Sweden, and the Swedish government was threatening to send him back to Iraq where he would have definitely been murdered, for breaking their hate speech or some other law when he started his Quran burning stunt which he became famous for. A day or so before the final verdict of his case, I believe his address was revealed by the authorities, and he was consequently murdered by Islamists during a livestream.
This has been a problem brewing in Sweden for a long time. They are simply awash with extremist Muslims in their country and seem to have taken the knee to them. As I see it has been happening here in Britain as well.
Now, whereas I do not agree with the act of burning a Quran, I uphold the right of any individual to do with their private property what they will and not be subjected to blasphemy laws in the disguise of other laws like hate speech or religiously aggravated crimes or whatever else.
In other news, a Jewish man in Manchester has been arrested for burning Quran. The Greater Manchester Police didn’t just go ahead and release his name but also his date of birth. His full date of birth. And where he lives. Why would a police force need to do it unless they were specifically looking to intimidate people and threatening them that this will be their fate if others were to think about doing the same? Knowing full well what happened to the teacher who displayed a picture of Mohammad during his religious studies lesson – still living in hiding. This is was not incompetence even though they will dress it up as incompetence – this was intentional. What do you think was going to happen when you let Islamist activists into your institutions?
Further on from it – Labour is pushing for their new definition of Islamophobia, which is such a broad net that all of us will be in Gulags in no time just for not wanting our daughters raped and our country ransacked by these camel piss drinkers. Important to note, that this new definition of Islamophobia was drawn and written by the former Tory MP, Dominic Grieve in 2018. And a former attorney general. Tells you all you need to know.
Labour chose Dominic Grieve's definition of Islamophobia, which was initially drafted in 2018, due to its comprehensive approach in framing Islamophobia as a form of racism, targeting expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness. This definition was adopted by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on British Muslims, which added credibility and a broad base of support, including over 750 British Muslim organizations, 80 academics, and 50 MPs.
Combine this all now with our current King giving speeches lauding Islam, giving it legitimacy as a religion, Labour over years and years opening the doors of mass immigration under Blaire, Not to mention this trend already started by Harold Wilson in the 1960s when he thought it would be a good idea to get a bunch of Mirpuris and Punjabi villagers from Pakistan to come live in England and work in the factories, Marxist ideology of reducing every issue to a 2 paradigm concept only oppressor and oppressed, letting Muslims and Marxists infiltrate our institutions, judiciary, politics, and police force, such infiltration covering up for the systemic gang rape of white working class British girls amongst other corruption – and you get this dish that such a recipe has created. Where the enemies within have been empowered to gaslight and threaten the public – and completely work against British interests.
The only way to win against this is to get organised ourselves. You cannot have a revolution without a concretely defined cause, an organised and properly laid out hierarchy, and a pre-defined set out desirable outcomes. Otherwise it is just chaos.
So, in ending. Why am I not in favour of burning Qurans?
Well – that is a nuanced topic in itself.
Since I left Islam over 18 years ago, whenever I spoke against Islam it was only to raise awareness to convince Muslims to leave Islam. See, I have said it many times before that I am in the business of saving souls. I don’t think people really understand it. My whole purpose to raise awareness about the problems with Islam is to save the souls of Muslims from corrupting their souls eternally by this false ideology spread by a false prophet. In that pursuit, how is it useful then to burn the Quran. Once they are convinced otherwise they will metaphorically or physically burn the book themselves. That is the goal in that respect.
Now within the sphere of political activism, I guess it serves as a purpose, to highlight the failings of Western governments or rather their complicity in this regard. Where they have taken on the role of management of public and made the laws subjective to fit their narrative. But then I am not an activist of any sort, political or religious or any other, and we have to think further whose political purpose does it fulfil.
There is something very real and serious I want people to be aware of at this time. I have meaning not to talk about it or even touch this subject because it involves so conspiracy theorists and the likes making it sound more than it actually is supposed to be.
There are some very active people within Britain, both on the Islamist side, and also on the pro-Israel side, that want the British working class to go head on head, physical, civil war with the Muslims in this country. This has been a huge worry for me for a while, because the ones to suffer the most are going to the British working class. Being made the sacrificial lamb in the machinations of others.
The Islamists seem to want to do it because they will take advantage from the Islamophobia laws and other things that will come in place after it, and they can solidify their position even more in Britain in the aftermath. The pro-Israel types, amongst them being politically right leaning Jews with deep pockets, are mainly afraid and unsure about their place in Britain anymore, and have heightened their fear after Oct 7th attacks and its response here in Britain.
I think I have put that as delicately as I could have put at this time. We have to deal with the problem of Islam, but the Brits have to deal with it on their own terms. Without manipulation or external agendas - whatever and wherever they might be coming from. Britain has to do what is best for the British, and we must not let foreign conflicts be fought on our streets. And this goes for any such issue. I am not in favour of sacrificing British lives and prosperity for foreign conflicts. I think I have been very clear about it since the Russian invasion of Ukraine even.
I want political parties in Britain to be Pro-British and that is about it. Full stop.
What is happening here and who does it serve? It certainly doesn’t help the British public. We think we are moving the needle on this but that is just an illusion. The debate really hasn't moved on, people still haven't become more sophisticated and knowledgeable. They are still willing to act in ways, be fooled by agent provocateurs, and containment agents, to give advantage of control back to the establishment.
I repeat – the only way to tackle this is to get organised ourselves. We have to present a pro and a positive vision. Move out of this reactionary phase. Muster people together for something rather than against something. That is the only way we will achieve positive outcomes for the British public in British interests. Otherwise it is all pointless.
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