Southport Stabbing & What Follows
The one of many terrorist attacks - we are beyond the tipping point
Three children were killed. Two of them, aged six and seven years, died on Monday. The third, a girl aged nine years, died Tuesday morning as a result of injuries sustained during the knife attack, Merseyside Police said in a statement.
Eight other children were injured. Five of them are in critical condition.
Two adults were also injured while trying to protect the children and are in critical condition, according to the police.
I have been meaning to write about this as it was happening. But I just can’t seem to find the words. Every time I start writing something down, I just go in a spiral of raging anger and then deep depression.
People ask what kind of people could harm such innocent angels?
Do you still have to ask that question after as recent as October 7th 2023? Do you still not understand how evil ideologies can corrupt the souls of people? Whatever kinds they might be. Islamism, Communism, Wokism. Whatever. We cannot keep on tolerating such ideologies and letting them infiltrate our societies. And we should be investigating, capturing, punishing or deporting, those who mean to do us harm. Not rewarding them by letting them do whatever they want to do.
"Merseyside Police have warned that the name of the alleged Southport knifeman circulating on social media is wrong.
Members of the public have been urged not to spread unfounded details of the attacker amid rampant speculation online."
You know how best to dispel the rumours? By telling the bloody truth. Stop withholding information as if we are your slaves. You work for us. We are the public. You govern by our consent. But this is what they tell us instead:
“A 17-year-old boy, from Banks in Lancashire, has been arrested on suspicion of murder and attempted murder.
Police said the motivation for the attack was "unclear" but it was not being treated as terror-related.”
This is not about left or right, this is not about politics. This is about what is being done to us regardless of our politics. Listen to this audio recording of this eye witness and tell me if you want this multiplied in our country:

This could have been much much worse, if it wasn’t for people like them, who reacted unselfishly and quickly.
These are the same people who over the years have made laws and supported laws which have enabled the influx of bad faith actors into this country. And they have emboldened the enemies within to act against the security and prosperity of this country.
Look at the state of that lamp post - that is what Britain is now defined by. Rusting away. Held together by make shift repairs. And everyone pretending it is okay.
Continued presence of Labour will only make matters worse. They keep on creating more laws and more routes to increase this mess. Let the true public awakening begin.
We will know the identity of the person eventually. But it will not matter that much to me. What matters to me is that the government and the police force do not have a handle on this situation and do not have the capacity to get a handle on this situation. This is a pressure cooker waiting to burst - and the ringing is now getting deafening.
I can't believe this. I seriously, cannot. Don't wave your flags because it might anger the noble enemies within. Don't wear your uniforms because you might get attacked by the noble invaders who we house and feed. This is unacceptable levels of capitulation.
This is why it doesn’t matter - because it is this mentality. The mentality that either wants to capitulate or wants the chaos that is to come. Why. So that they can use it as an advantage to usher in their version of a utopia. Kier Starmer is a radical. He is no skimmed milk. In many ways they want to bring forth their Socialist Britain dreams. And they will use every opportunity to do so.
Anyway - as I said. My mind is very scattered over this situation. So, all I want you to do right now, is say a silent prayer for those innocent souls taken away from the warm embraces of their parents. And I want you to wake up and get serious. We have come to the point where we need to start creating neighbourhood watches. Where we have to start getting serious about protecting our communities. Because those who are meant to do it, aren’t up to the task anymore.
Words fail us all.
I wish I could have been there.
Folk are assembling outside Downing Street tomorrow 31st July at 1900.
We want Starmer to hear our grief and anger, and we mean to see he has it brought home to him and to his 'Government' .
Our lives are cheap compared to the march of globalism.
If our elected leaders will not protect our little children then WE MUST
And we WILL DO SO and , if necessary we will pull Parliament brick by brick to achieve that - and nothing will stand in our way.