A recently released clip of Ash Sarkar - using some true points to prove her false narrative.
Now let me tell you why this is disingenuous narrative building from people like her and Commie media:
This is a way to assert that the man's true state is its natural state of no possessions and land to call their own. Hence the true British nature can never be derived from the systems their intuition has built including capitalism. So. The truer British nature is linked with the marxist ideology.
She is not saying it because she wants the many countries and their indigenous inhabitants within the British Isles to reclaim their own identity and cultures. Because as soon as they express them, people like her say "countryside is racist" "there isn't enough diversity in the village fare" etc etc.
She is eulogising the villages fares and customs of Italy and France, where she would never assert a lack of diversity as troublesome. Nor will she make the connection that it is the lessened diversity and adherence to the homogenous overriding culture in those towns and villages that makes it possible for them to maintain their customs and traditions.
Communists are no different to Islamists in this ploy of deceit, lies, and disingenuous narrative building to try proving their point. Be wary of it.
Immigrants especially illegal ones, who have had no intention of integrating and assimilating to Britain, have cause major issues and are continuing to cause major issues. People from immigrant family like hers, who have sided with the native Communists, trying to bring down Britain from within, are a major threat as well to the problems in this country.
She and her commie buddies, are trying to subvert a very important narrative. That our problems are very much of our own making and there is much strength in it because it means we have the power to change things to our advantage. In our personal lives and that of our communities.
But they are not saying this because they want you to take control of your destiny and your country. They are saying it so that you give them the control of your lives and give in to the communist ideology.
With these insidious marxists and communists you have to understand. It is not what they say that is important but why they say it. And their intention always remains the same. Like the snake slithering in the garden. Know your enemies, for they surely know you.
And this is Ash Sarkar herself proving my point of her dishonesty and her insidious nature:
But it is of our making... Our weaknesses, disinterested people for politics or history, or culture...if what brought us here, and spawned her class of would be communists...
I wouldn't allow her and her ilk to be in charge of a communal toilet