No matter what spectrum of the political left people are on, they believe these things as a religion:
1. Israel is a "genocidal" state - insert your favourite brand of conspiracy theory
2. Money is bad - being a millionaire is a crime
3. More government is good governance
4. The only way to fund government and public services is high taxation
5. Working Class are inherently racist
6. Globalisation or Internationalism is a good thing but for some reason the maintenance of it through force is wrong
7. Trade is good but again maintenance of it through force is neither important or necessary
8. All human beings are the same and they want similar things in life
9. All cultures are good and worthy of respect
10. Feminism is something wholly positive - and don't look at it any deeper
11. Christianity is bad because of events like Inquisition which they won't actually look into
12. Masculinity is bad because it leads to men doing bad things like wanting to protect their families and taking care of them
13. There is no moral standard of how a family should be - because ahhh single mums - as if that is an ideal standard for either the mum or her children
14. If you are an adult then you should be allowed to do anything and by some miracle it won't affect the whole society
15. The West is uniquely placed as doing bad things in the past and they should pay for it in the present and future for it - even to those who have done way worse things in the past
16. True Islam is not what the Islamists portray it to be - without ever reading Quran & Hadiths or knowing anything
17.Nothing can be worse than a conservative - even though it is the social conservative mind that helps conserve a civilization
I am pretty sure there are many more. But these are bad ideas that lead to bad results. I don’t wish to take part in these ideas anymore. They are the slow procession towards civilizational suicide and the best we could hope for is for the civilization to go into some form of hibernation while these ideas play out, only to be revived at a later stage.
I think Peter Hitchens has been right about a lot of things. And this is something additional he was right about. That we are heading towards a 15/20 years of suffering and decline. Because people are not willing to engage with the core of the issues, because people are not willing to be honest with themselves. And this false hope that people are putting right now in political parties who pretend to be of the political right here in the UK will only lead to more misguided behaviour. False notion of hope. Where people will think those parties will save them and not make the necessary changes in their own individual thinking.
While ethnonationalists want to make it just about ethnicity without recognising that most of the problems that are enabled in the West are due to ethnically Western people on the politically left spectrum. Unless the bad ideas are countered on both the left and right side of politics, and a new way is defined and chosen, we have no hope in resolving this peacefully or effectively. Even after a period of suffering, we might just end up with the same problems suppressed only to play out again at some point in the future.
Yes, I think we are headed towards a lot of pain. And not much can ease it. There will be a massive exodus of people. And I don’t think we can blame those people because the majority is not yet cognoscente of the fact that first culture needs to change before the right kind of politics takes hold. This safetism that Britain has adopted as its second nature, the overblown welfare state, is a core issue. And not many are willing to talk about it. So, people are desperate for a saviour, any kind of saviour, because they are unwilling to be their own saviours.
Yes Mo, as always bang on with what you say.
For me, as a pensioner, I now realise the fight is not mine.
I was a Brexiteer and a 2019 Tory voter, and a 2024 Reform voter. I have been on the patriot rallies and two recent protests. I have seen the Lefties and their Palestine flags and their 'Refugees welcome here' signs.
I did my bit. I tried.
I realise that it is mainly the over fifties who are fighting to hold on to Britain because they remember what Britain was before it was enriched by foreigners.
The people who knew that life was better in the country that their fathers fought for.
So us oldies have been trying to pull the country out of it's nose dive. But half the country - the silent majority who are complacent or stupid or both, won't realise what is destroying them till it bites them in the arse. That's half the country , and that leaves about a quarter who either are imported folk or leftie globalists. They don't give a shit about what the country was. They wait for the new Utopia.
And the remaining quarter, youngsters who think only for today and know no better, and the last lot are us right wing thugs who are being stamped on.
So it's time for me to bow out , wait and watch as those who have enough rope hang themselves or more blood runs down more streets and perhaps then even the silent folk will wake up.