Over my years here in England, I have seen Pakistanis, Indians, Bengalis in majority living in parallel communities. Born here but unable and unwilling to assimilate. They have made areas where they live into non-English areas. Nothing positive has come out of it or will come out of it.
This is not America where parallel communities can harmoniously live alongside each other under a non-negotiable constitution. We have a living constitution. It can be influenced to adapt and change. And a demographic change in huge numbers of cultures unwilling to assimilate into the overarching host culture or hold loyalty to the host country over their secondary culture can and will influence change that is not for the betterment of the old nation.
The mistakes following the second world war that led to the expediency and exponentiality of those mistakes, although intentional, in the Blair era, need to be reversed. Every single one of them. Including but not exclusive to the welfare system and human rights laws that are a trap rather than a help.
People can be woken up to this reality. It just needs some minds willing to put themselves in the line of fire.
And for those who might ask why do I care - Leaving aside my deep love and appreciation and a desire for my future generations to completely assimilate to these lands and people - I am a student of history amongst many things. And history is best preserved by those who have lived and carried it in their blood. These days too one day will become history. And hopefully my blood along with those of here will carry it. And make sure that these lands never fall in the hands of those who mean to conquer it and not take care of it.
We need to shake a certain kind of people from the socialist welfare ridden stockholm syndrome funk that they have trapped themselves in - and the spiritually detached materialists out of their pathway to the abyss of perpetual misery.
The fightback must begin now. I said a long time ago, I am in the business of saving souls. Well, I am also in the business of making them realise their full potential. And I want others to join me in this quest.