The Many Truths of our Times
The current state of Britain has been a disaster in the making for a long time
What was needed from PM, regardless of he/she had been and from whichever party:
"We understand that people are grieving and they are angry. And they have every right to protest and display their anger, because we failed in our duty to protect our daughters in our country. But we are determined to do better and we will do better. You have every right to protest but please be aware that there might be some nefarious bad faith actors amongst who will try to use your grief to cause mayhem. Our officers will be there to help you and do their best to remove such individuals."
This is what PM Kier Starmer needed to say. This would have gone a long way in calming the situation down. But no. Instead he called everyone who had legitimate concerns, far right. He said how he was going to come down on people like a ton of bricks. Put in facial recognition and what not. And offered full support to muslims and no concern for the wider public. Didn’t even recognise and acknowledge the crimes.
Look additionally what our new Home Secretary, Yvette Cooper, chose to say on the 2nd of August as Sunderland was burning:
“Criminals attacking the police & stoking disorder on our streets will pay the price for their violence & thuggery. The police have the full backing of Government to take the strongest possible action & ensure they face the full force of the law. They do not represent Britain.”
These guys either don’t understand the public or they are doing it deliberately to provoke a response, so they can usher in their surveillance and communist utopia.
All these things are concurrently true for me:
The woes of the working class have been consistently ignored
And not just ignored but they have been vilified for voicing them
Labour Party along with other metropolitan elitist politically left do not understand the working class and hate them
Labour gov wants to bring in more restrictive laws and higher surveillance laws. So they will look for or create any excuse
Labour gov wants to turn Britain into a socialist state and they will steer us towards it
Starmer's dad was a toolmaker and the biggest tool he made was Kier
There is an actual fringe of far right in this country which will cause destruction and mayhem, and use this opportunity
There is also an actual violent fringe of far left which would do exactly the same
There is an ethnonationalist fringe which will use all these events to justify their way of thinking - which is and will be - destructive for Britain
Many of the people protesting have nothing to do with either of the extremes. They just want their voices heard. But instead they are being hijacked and everyone else writing them off as just troublemakers and far right
Mass immigration with no integration or assimilation has caused huge sectarian issues which needs to be reversed
Islam, no matter the version of it, does not belong in Britain. It will always find ways to try and take over the British way of life
Illegal migrants need to be immediately deported to their last port of call or their country of origin - and refugee/asylum system needs to be reformed
All foreign criminals in our prisons needs to be deported
All foreign terrorists on our Mi5 watchlist need to be deported immediately
Immigration from problematic Islamic countries need to be banned
All immigration needs a temporary pause until we can figure out what is going on and reform the system
Most of our cultural problems come from a loss of Christian values and belief system, and breakdown of families
The English do not hate unless they are pushed to their very extremes - and they have been pushed for a very long time now
The silent majority has become too docile and accepting of what is being done to them. A reawakening is needed
There will be a huge exodus of people from this country, and you cannot blame people for it especially the young and able
The political right is very fractured and unknowing of itself. A realignment of actual conservative values and thought can help resolve a lot of issues or channel the voices leading to effective pushback
Multiculturism doesn’t work because not all cultures are equal or able to coexist in a productive way
Liberalism has failed the West, and it is probably time now to bin it along with all its manifested projects
Woke ideology has come out of liberalism and it needs to be binned, in its entirety - and all things related to it like DEI etc
Communism needs to be reject and driven out of our institutions
The extremes of anti-Woke are becoming as bad as woke itself
Democracy doesn’t work in a system where the majority are disengaged from participating in it or understanding the systems that govern them before engaging with it
A new governance system is needed that combines the working elements of the old and projects into the workable elements into the future
The reading and intellectual capacity of the Western society has fallen below acceptable levels, and this needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency
Moving Britain from an industrial hub to a service industry has proved to be a disaster and this needs to be reversed
A significant number of people who are in this country but actively act in opposition to its values, culture, traditions, and benefit need to be deported
The citizenship pre-requisites and evaluation tests need to be reformed
The move towards Welfare state has been a disaster - this needs to be reformed and the benefit system needs to be pulled back
There are possible many more things within the social sphere but I will limit to these for now.
What is happening now is the result of the government making the public into its enemy, and not listening to the concerns, or understanding their anger. However, this is still nothing to do with the movement, where we are hoping to unite the people of this kingdom. This is just uncontrolled and disorganised chaos. And it will help no cause. Only allows some to blow off some steam maybe and for the actual extremists to revel in the madness. While as usual the concerns of the grieving community will be lost and forgotten in the midst of it all. Our government is useless as you all can see. Once the dust has settled, we - the good people - will do our best to pick up the pieces, and reignite a desire and a sensible pathway to retake the country from all those who mean us harm.
Yes Momus I can go along with all of that.
As you did, I attended the London Patriot Rallies 1/6 and 27/7 .
They were wonderful examples of peace and love and discipline.
I also was in Downing Street and experienced first hand the worst example of British policing. There were arrests mainly of passive people who should never have been arrested. And arrests of the stupid but also of the brave.
The riots in Hartlepool and Sunderland show that the matter has now gone beyond the influence of the decent working class.
There are many more demonstrations planned this weekend which will see our policing system overwhelmed and free reign for real thugs and criminals.
This is the stark utopia that the leftist globalists have worked to accomplish.
I hope they are satisfied with their handiwork.
As far Starmer and Cooper enjoy!
The best thing you can do is take the knee and state that " White Lives Matter too"
Because it bloody well doesn't feel like after recent events.