The Unserious Political Right in Britain
The political right in the UK are not serious. They are playing amateur childish games. They seem unaware of who they are or what they want to be.
The mainstream conservatives want to appeal to the liberals more than conservatives.
The centrists for the most part are just indifferent to the core issues.
The new rising parties are just populists without the policies to achieve anything of value.
And the new media / online bros are constantly defending the worst characters in the society because they don't want to appear weak to others.
No wonder the public is just zoning out. Because the politically right are all reactionaries without a vision. They are all against something rather than for something first.
I am starting to get tired of it all. Like school children and nerds fighting between themselves. Talking about honour while not even knowing the basic definition of it. A major part of why this country is where it is now. Because people refuse to grow up and do what is necessary, look beyond their personal interests, for King and Country. No, they don't understand such values. They are more concerned about their "brands".
The path ahead is difficult and treacherous. People are unknowing of themselves. No one to lead. No understanding of how to articulate their frustrations. I am afraid it will lead people to do regrettable things.