Thinking beyond the current
Many people feel like I should stop talking about the social and political problems of Britain because I am not native to these lands. They also believe I don't have a right to criticize the political right when they are wrong, because for the same reasons. And the political left is a whole bag of crazy on its own.
The truth is I don't really care what you think and what you don't about me. I have never let anyone control my thoughts and my actions, and I will carry on living as such. If you cannot accept it then that tells more to your own insecurities or lack of intellect mixed in with prejudices that you haven't reflected on. It is not my problem so don't bring it to my door.
There are many things I do not agree with the political left and also some I do not agree with the political right. Let's leave the political left aside because there are too many things I disagree with to take them seriously anymore.
I think there is a current branch of political right which is making Christianity into a trend rather than a matter of either faith or a source of historic wisdom. I don't think it is right. Just shouting Christ is King does not mean you are able to live by the ideals, you actually have to live it not shout it. I think similar people are emphasizing too much on clothing and aesthetics. I believe such people are just grasping at the outer layers of their ancestral connections with a heavy dose of recency bias rather than understanding the core connections. It is weak sauce and it comes off as a regimental controlling attitude, and not an inspirational message. I disagree with a primary tendency to be a reactionary, and creating outrage in the name of raising awareness. Be proactive and create things to bring people together and inspire, stop being just reactionary. Anyone can be a critic. Low sauce attitude. I also disagree with the notion that popularity equals merit or intelligence. It does not. And lastly, anti woke has become or maybe becoming as ugly of a space as woke in its workings and not in the things they support. Creating strict adherence to ingroup outgroup. No room for discussion.
So, of course. I have a free mind and I have a right to exercise that mind. If you do not like me commenting on things then don't listen to me.
Unless those on the political right in Britain don't let go of their petty issues with one another and come together then the political left will keep winning. Not by majority popularity but by not having a collaborative opposition against them. And collaboration and coming together in no way means everyone just letting go of their own convictions and joining a popular figure blindly. That is the complete opposite of what I mean. You do not want a dysfunctional opposition. That undermines the effort even more. I am saying that specifically because many would say, yes that's why we should all join Reform. No, I think Reform needs its own internal reform, to adjust itself to a proper political conservative space where all others can combine. And people need to stop believing that populist taglines are actually workable policies. Work on the policies that are deliverable and not pie in the sky vote winners. And rethink a political philosophy to get behind and shape your policies with. My suggestion would be to look into traditionalist conservatism. Forming a new party to combine all on the right under the name of Traditionalist Conservative Party would not be a bad move, to give people some organising thought to get together, and a philosophy that goes beyond the current times.
Although at some point, after the immediate threat of the overreaching arm of the political left has been thwarted, we have to start looking beyond political left and right. And start taking issues and policy solutions on their merit and what benefits a particular people most. As I have said before, we need to leave political left and right behind, and become politically British. Stop serving ideologies over the needs of people.