A lot of the frustration and alarm come from what Harman and his wife are expressing. It is with the kind of people that are coming in to this country, being allowed to filter in without checks. The kind of people who want to change, corrupt and loot the very foundations on which we stand. (https://twitter.com/kingkapoor72)
People in Britain have never been against genuine refugees and asylum seekers and legal migrants. Who come here escaping from something worse, or come here because they wanted to be part of Britain. But overall harnessing deep love, affection, and gratitude to this nation and her people. Who work hard, and make something of themselves, and are not looking for handouts but looking for ways to contribute.
But the situation before is not the same as it is now. Now we have a problem of scale of migration, and an intense sense of unfairness that cuts deep. There is a rightful feeling of a government taking the food from the mouth of its own children to feed the strangers who may or may not have good intentions towards Britain. And there is only as much people can take. This feeling has also filtered down to the legal immigrants who love this country and have come here to make it their home.
Because for some like Harman or like myself, we know the kind of people that are coming in on the boats and claiming to be asylum seekers. When we know they are not. The kind of people that destroyed their own countries, and from whom people like us felt threatened for our lives. We see them come here, and get given everything which we have had to rightfully work really hard to achieve. How is it fair? And how is it fair to the natives who have contributed to this country generations upon generations, with blood sweat and tears, to see their own being neglected for these illegal chancers. To see their streets being made unsafe. To see their daughters being unsafe, and their sons having their opportunities curtailed. And for what? For these low skilled class of migrants whose main intention to come here is to loot and pillage?
The anger in people in real. And the anger is justified. These things are being allowed by the enemies within. Those who are intentionally trying to harm this beautiful nation, and the naïve bleeding hearts liberal do-gooders. The West is going through an existential crises. And it is about time for an awakening.
The valid point that unchecked mass immigration brings with it violent crime is evidenced all across Europe and her in the UK.
No one - even on the Left can really deny this. In the UK the crime committed by ethnic minority groups is deliberately suppressed by the Government. When horrific murders take place where the offender is from an immigrant back ground the frequent excuse is mental instability. Life is now cheap in this country and the thousands of children raped and the knife murders prove this over and over again.
Britain as a multi cultural society is simply a more dangerous place to live that it was when it was largely homogenous native society.
I do not say here anything that is not true.
Momus mentions 'Fairness' .
When we talk of 'British values' people challenge back with 'What are they then? ' And we struggle to define. I suggest at the top we put 'Fairness'.
We treat people fairly. We expect to wait our turn - queuing is the classic example. We do not expect people from very alien cultures to turn up and be given, gratis, more than our own poorer people - more opportunity than our own children. We do not accept that that someone here illegally is given a free pass for life. We expect to have services that the taxes from our wages should provide.
We do not see it as fair to see our own country destroyed from within.
We do not see it as fair that job opportunities specifically exclude white people.
We do not see it as fair that Islam is to be protected from criticism by a special Law.
We do not see it as fair that the towns and cities of of grandparents are transformed beyond recognition into third world ghettos.
We do not see it as fair that our beautiful countryside should disappear under concrete to house an increasing population that is nothing to do with the natural increase of our native people.
We do not see it as fair that our Politicians and globalist leaders place the people of other lands who invade this country on a higher plane than ourselves.
I could go on.
Let's just say 'It isn't fair"