I do not do it for the clicks or views or any sort of attention. Definitely not to seek some sort of acceptance. I know who I am, and I know my own heart. Don't overly care about the chirping of others. Sometimes, I really get weird messages. From people who neither know me nor care to know.
The truth is, I became indifferent to Islam and all of it for a very long time. I was just not bothered. It is morally corrupt and evil ideology, and I had made my peace with it. I didn't care. I knew the truth about it and I walked away from it. But it has been thrust upon me because it has increasingly become a threat to the country I love. So, I started speaking out. But dear God, I had no idea how naïve so many of you had become. So easily fallen into its trap. Appeasing to a group of people who would have you in shackles and on your knees the first chance they get. And this is happening, because you have become unknowing of yourselves. But it is also not surprising. This is the same way how you have let yourself be captured and fooled by the forces of communist woke sewage.
I don't really have to worry myself with all this crap. Wokeness, Islam, and whatever else. I actually have a pretty good job, which I am good at, and a place of work that used to appreciate me more before I started speaking up. I have a beautiful wife whom I love dearly, and an overall happy life. Yes, so what, I have a bit of a medical hiccup but so far it is under control. I didn't have to speak up, against wokeness, could just do what most others who don't agree with it do. Keep their head down and just get on with their work. I didn't have to speak up against blatant discrimination against my white colleagues, while others didn't. I didn't have to speak up against people bashing Britain or calls against display of Union Jack (the best flag in the world) while most native Brits couldn't be bothered to stand up for their own heritage. I would be coasting just fine, or even flying high. And to be honest, I still have my job reasonably secured even though, I have to fight here and there, and probably have limited further promotion for a while, because I am good at what I do and most people at work like me. More than most internet strangers ever will. It is a problem and not a problem at the same time. It allows me to have a comfortable life. And if I didn't speak up more about such things, I actually wouldn't have any issues at work.
The point I am trying to make is, that I am not doing it for a grift or whatever. Sure, anything that I do get from my writing, podcasting or commentary, is greatly appreciated and an added bonus. Helps me be more independent and reach more people. Of course, it is an indicator of how effective one can be. And it shows me how much you love and appreciate what I do. But it is not the goal. That is not why I am speaking up or doing anything.
I do my bits on history and mythology because I love researching and reading up about things, I write my silly stories because I love writing, and I speak up about what is going on currently and the dangers we face because I love my country. I am deeply concerned about the future, and I would like to avoid a future at any cost where great harm could come to Britain. It is as simple as that. Make what you want of it, but that is the truth from the heart. This is why I don't mince my words, this is why I would call out anyone and everyone, this is why I don't really care about right or left.
Because I am not worried about whether I will be invited to some snotty champaign parties or not, or if I can hang out with this or that name, or if this or that podcast or show will invite me on. I don't even care if only 2 people watch or read my stuff. I want to do my part, and try to help where I can. So I don't give a rat's ass if some of what I say upsets you. I will not shy away from calling out obvious dangers to my country and her people. I will not become cynical because the times are treacherous and shy away from helping others. I will not ignore people because I think I am better than them. I will not say "the right thing" to massage the sensibilities of some yellow bellied liberal elite class so I get invited to the parties. I will not shy away from making mistakes in fear of what others will think of me, that is the best way to learn at times. And I will not let the world change who I am.
Because that is the man my wife fell in love with, and my life's aim is always to live up to her expectations. Always ready to help, quick to smile, fond of silliness, and yet firm on my morals and convictions, never to bend my knee to any man.
Let the fools yearn for worldly trinkets, my heart only desires to seek knowledge and truth, that which sits beyond me but also within me. To help those around me, and help defend my nation. To love and cherish those nearest and closest to me. Because that is what matters. That is what I am concerned about, and that is what motivates me.
And I say this to you, not to make a show of anything. I am telling you this, as an example of how to orientate yourself and your life. If you want something more than just satisfying your base desires. All the love to you all, and I hope you take something positive from my ramblings.