So, what happened in Leeds yesterday? On the 18th of July, a nice summer’s day. In the beautiful historic city. Well, one of its barely English constituencies behaved in a very non-English way. Not a surprise.
Social services attended an address, to take children in temporary care, away from the parents while the situation was further assessed following an incident and with the advise of healthcare workers. Police was called, as things were getting really aggravated, and then violence escalated progressively.
Let’s listen to this father or friend of the family, who can barely speak the local language. Unable to confirm who he is at the moment:
Knowing social services, they never intervene heavy handily, unless there are extreme cases. So, this portrayal of the parents being so innocent and situation not being a huge issue, while the social services decided to act and take the kids away, is fishy to say the least.
But wait. We find the same person elsewhere in this saga later on. With the bus burning criminals. Oh I guess, he is a credible source of information after all. Just a lad enjoying some summer fun. Aww look at him and his joyous face:
Gypsies or Islamist Muslims. Why am I not surprised that both of these shady criminal sorts, would help each other at such moments.
So let’s now follow the events of the day:
So, now it is been told that the family in concern with the children was possible a Romanian Gypsy Family. But then, why were all these rioters, already ready and in place. The fact is whether they were Muslims, or Romanian, or whoever, these are foreign people with foreign cultures and foreign attitudes towards civil obedience and disobedience. We need to get this under control, and start deporting those who don’t belong here, especially the foreign criminals.
Look at them. They are not afraid to show their faces even. Nothing will happen to them. And even if they go to prison, their Islamist brothers will take care of them. If they are Roma gypsies then they are used to it. What do these people need jobs and careers for? What do they care about Britain? They burn their own areas where they currently live, because they don’t care about the place they live in.
The police being chased out. While we were getting the message that the police is trying to resolve the issue, or have it under control. No. They don’t know how to deal with these things. It was shown to us in 2011 riots, but we just wished the problem would go away. They retreat, and let people burn it all, and then return when the damage is already done. They think this is a good strategy, but actually it just emboldens them.
So, it was initially reported that the newly elected Green Party local councillor was seen at the riots. But as we later found out, he was actually trying to deescalate the situation. So credit to him. But there are some keys things to pick up from there as well.
What I can gather from his speech here and earlier in the day where he was quoted as saying its because police officers don’t speak their language, that it is everyone’s fault but the people who are doing it. Why is there a need for police officers to speak foreign languages and not for these foreigners to speak English? And it also goes to show who were the actual rioters. The original case of the Gypsie family and their children being taken into care, does not even matter.
As I said, credit to him, for going against the rioters and trying to stop them from burning the whole city. But what I see is, that this cannot be really controlled.
What is he indicating? That these areas are foreign, so we need foreign representatives, and police, and social workers, and councillors to deal with it. Because the presence of English people will just escalate the situation. Is that the subliminal ask over here? If that is the case, then I think it is a justified ask from the English to have them all deported. They do not belong here. And they show this again and again. The foreign communities from all over the world in England, who do not follow the social norms and laws, do not belong in this country, and they need to be deported.
My heart aches to see my country burn, while these people rejoice in the summer festivities. And it angers me knowing that there are solutions to these problems, easy solutions, but there is no political will to exact those solutions.
This will increase more and more, till the whole country is engulfed in flames. What will we do then? How many more localities are there, with heavy foreign populations? Where the natives are a minority. Is this a legitimacy then for them to riot and burn as well? It seems like it.
Well Mo there is much I could say but I have been commenting on this all day .
Some of the videos I have seen but not others you posted but I could not stomach watching them.
This was not just an attack of Leeds or on the police, it was an attack on Britain and the British.
It was biting the hand that feeds.
It was about the scum of God's earth colonising our country.
It was degradation.
And was it also for Gaza ?
We, as a Nation, need to say to these people
"We despise you and your behaviour.
We don't want you. We resent you .
We want you out of our country. You are not fit to live amongst decent people."