There are two pathways for the social and political conservatives in the West. Either do the hard work of rediscovering and redefining conservatism which carries the balancing levers provided by Christianity with an eye unto the future, or bring untold suffering by trying to make a past into the present whose perfection is more in the nostalgic eyes than in reality. The false prophets of the latter are as cunning and subversive as their counterparts on the extremist left. Learn to spot them. For they might be on the fringe they will push you into a corner through their guile where you won't have much choice but to carry out their demented and actually lazy ideas.
These extremist fringe will mingle with the rest and convince them by mimicking reasonable points and expressing reasonable concerns while deep down having nefarious intentions. If you don't think that is possible then you must think every single person who follows the woke liberal nonsense knows deeply about the failings of liberalism, or everyone who follows a strand of marxism understands the true intentions behind the ideology, or that every communist is nefarious rather a foolish socialist who thinks their good intentions will do no harm.
Those who are dealing with extreme ethnonationalism will take hold of the narrative more and more after 2029 elections in Britain if an intellectual base for the conservative is not established and a new vision doesn't start taking shape. The actual conservatives in this country should be working on project 2034. That is when a vision will have a receptive audience for a new way forward. I would like to play my little part in making that a reality, if only enough people realize the importance of it.
Christianity is deeper than the Churches we create. We all can get a Bible now and most of can read. That is a good start. There are still churches that are detached from the woke narrative like the Free Church of England and Orthodox Churches. Support those who are truer to faith so they grow and try not to be limited to bricks and mortar to understand the wisdom in it.
Yes, we often times have a very rosey view of the past. Remembering only the good things and not remembering the bad that came along with it. If it's from our own experiences it is likely we were too young to understand the workings around us, or if it's from historical past then it's because we are looking for escapism rather than solutions. Majority of the problems in Britain are created by ethnically Marxist and Liberal Brits. They are the ones who have knowing or unknowingly enabled all these issues. Racial homogeneity to the max does not resolve this problem, it actually avoids it. It also goes not understand the problem of dysconnectivity from cultural and traditional roots, and seeks simple solutions to complex modern day problems.
Ethnonationalists depend on such sentiments because they don't have solutions to the problems, but they can use the fear and frustrations of people as a populist ploy to get power. There are certain things that are still necessary to do to create cultural homogeneity and a functional society. But it requires people who have clear sight of which century we are in and the future where we are headed so they can take all of it into context. The reason why we have eras, is because each era looks to its surroundings and projects what could be into the future. It takes what's necessary from the past but is not stuck in it. And in doing so each era makes the necessary advancements in keeping with it's lineage and the progress it wants to emulate. Without that if you have people on one side wanting to forget and rewrite the past and on the other side a people who want to return to the past, both only end up pushing the society to a destruction worse than each imagined.
I am not sure where you are going with this Mo.
Let's take Christianity. I was looking to go back to my Parish Church. The C of E have a very woke Archbishop in charge and they are saying they will drop the word Church so as to be more inclusive, they let a Church in Bristol be used by Muslims for some event last year and we know a Palestinian or Pakistani flag was flown from Westminster Abbey last year, we know that millions of pounds are being given by the C of E in reparations.
The Pope has just announced that stopping migrants entering Europe is a great sin !
The Methodist council heavily criticised the Illegal Immigration Act last July even though it is ineffective and not applied.
So do I search for Christianity in some other place ?
As to nostalgia for a past that never existed then I must appraise you that I lived and grew up in such a country. It was real.
Of course there was crime and criminals. Every society has those. And it wasn't perfect sure but no human community ever is. When I see images on film of the VE celebrations, and of children in the 1950s and 60s I see an homogeneous race of folk who needed no enrichment to their culture. In those films I see adults who were my parents generation, people who had fought and survived a World War and came through it as a strong and good nation who had faced down the greatest evil. I see poor working class children playing all in hand knitted jumpers and little girls in dresses with ribbons in their hair. Looking at those old films makes me want to cry now.
And yes they are all white . But nearly all of us were and our skin colour thus had no relevance.
We did not consider ourselves as 'white supremacists' and carried no guilt - such a term was not thought of then -but we did believe that our country was the best in the world.
So am I just a nostalgic old man?
Am I an Ethno-Nationalist? Because I knew a Britain that was a nicer and safer place to live at a time when there was no forced colonisation here by people whose ways are of often incompatible to standards of civilised behaviour? This is the direct cause of the 'Two Tier' policing and judiciary which is now a daily topic of discussion.
I may have misunderstood your message.
But I make no apology for my views which I am entitled to express - though a Court of Law today would judge me harshly.
The sooner that people like me die out the better. The sooner our voices no longer raise objections the better. But we lived in a different Britain and we know it has been degraded.
Then the younger generations can live on in delusion and no hope and be content with it.